Supreme Being

I was born in a sea of grass.


when the wind blew,

It was like watching a dancing yellow ocean.

The magnificent Eucalyptus trees,

surviving in that harsh waterless place,

providing shelter from the blazing sun,

seemed like gods.

Supreme Being

1245mm H x 1095mm W

Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas

Tidal Flat

This is a symbolic representation of the mood of the tidal flats along the Dampier Peninsula. Each day the sea recedes to reveal vast expanses of land.

Depending on the proximity of the moon, King tidal changes can affect up to twelve metres and different kind of life is revealed.

There is also a special feeling of transience as it is necessary to be gone before the tides rush back.

It's like the Earth is breathing.


Tidal Flat

950mm H x 840mm W  

Oil and Mixed Media on Canvas

Holding On and Letting Go

This is one of a pair of images that are studies of Mangrove trees on the tidal flats.

I thought their adaptation to tidal changes – between being swamped and high and dry

related well to the philosophy of desire

Holding On and Letting Go

305mm H x 232mm W

Mixed Media on Arches Paper

Collection (upper) Yang Jin Yong, (lower) Ju Hong Mi [Korea]

Awesome By Tonight

The title awesome by tonight is a wordplay. The first meaning is as a prayer or encouragement from and to myself as the maker. Setting and maintaining a working schedule and standard is an important part of working practice...


Awesome by Tonight (Work In Progress)

640mm H x 600mm W~

Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas

Cultivation (AKA Disappearance)

These are my Brother Gary’s drawings on the landscape.

He was turning the soil ready for the new season. The bleached fallow grasses disappeared beneath the soil behind the plough, generating a rich earthy smell and creating a contour sketch that I can’t hope to rival.

Cultivation (AKA Disappearance)

390mm H x 500mm W

Oil & Mixed Media on Canvas

Collection G.T. Harley 2013

Million Leaf Blossoms Tingling

This piece was made onsite along the shores of the Blackwood River after several initiating sketches and written field notes, some of which have been transcribed onto the final image...


Million Leaf Blossoms Tingling

1700mm H x 900mm W

Mixed Media on Canvas 1994