It seems to me that one of the core elements of Australian Landscape is the notion of 'dissapearance'.
The country makes it abundantly clear that one may be literally swallowed up and hence the ego is blasted back by the power of this lands' enduring adamance. Foreign visitors have sometimes expressed this idea as fearsome, and there are many great Australian films that mine that seam too. For me, having shared these kinds of places as a birthright, dissapearance is more of an expression of comfort.
In this image, particularily through the use of directional marks but also by breaking into and up the usual ways of presenting the middle distance I've tried to give evidence of that idea of travelling inward to these best kinds of being lost. As an artisan I'm also discussing the concentration and entry into a state of flow that I personally can achieve almost nowhere else, and also referring to the overpainting techniques that often obscure whole portions of completed stages in order to arrive at the final image.
440mm H X 390mm W
Oil & Mixed Media
Disappearance (detail)