Driving out along the isolated East coast of the Dampier Peninsula near Derby a dingo suddenly crossed in front of us with a glare that said, “Who are you to cross this sacred country?”
This whole image is of the dingo’s view past the trees along the muddy red track near ‘Goodenuff Bay’ out to the pristine ocean caressing the sand.
Actually, this particular work had a really tough time during the creative process. Despite severe water damage, I faithfully dragged it with me in my kit – through the Northern wet season and then across the open ocean past Timor and Thailand until the final studio processing in Korea. It was pared and repaired and reworked until it finally seemed to exist solely to carry the abstracted green line across the front of the copse of trees.
In this case I was attempting to float abstract ideas within a recognisable framework based in an on-site landscape sketch. I was attempting to create a sense of vagueness… but not confusion.
What is tree?
What is grass?
What is passing moment?
Oil and Mixed Media
410mm H X 310mm W
Bloodwood (detail)
Bloodwood (detail)
Bloodwood (detail)