The two texts surrounding this image read as follows,
'When he was done, he looked around. Stretched his legs along the dirt, blinking out across the level day, this high noon light, the small hard shadows hiding from the heat.'
'A place so adamant as to deny the liklihood of any other.'
I used the motif of cartoon or cinema storyboarding to couple the text with an image of abstracted hessian-like cross hatching, overlaying several colours to finalise with white. I was trying to elicit the idea of adamance and subtlety in the one sitting, and also to try to quietly disclose some of the inner feelings I had begun to strongly experience at this stage of my career.
These gatherings of descriptive language are excerpts from one of the novels of the so called 'minimalist' writer Cormac McCarthy. His textural descriptions of landscape really resonated with an person of artistic temperament born and raised in the wide, dry, and remote landscapes of Australia, surrounded by stoic and taciturn people. Furthermore, the artfulness of the text agreed wholly with an ever increasing notion that words may also be the brushes with which to draw images worth seeing and recording.
236mm H x 340mm W
Oil, Collage & Mixed Media on Canvas
In progress 2016-18
Adamance (detail)
Adamance (detail)